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Manage members of a workspace

It is possible to add / remove members or modify the list of moderators in the workspace.

Written by MathildeLast update 1 month ago

Manage workspace members

ℹ️ Only workspace moderators can manage members.

To modify workspace members :

  1. Go to the workspace in question

  2. Click on members at top right

Add a member to the workspace

  1. Click on Add a member

  2. Select one of the proposed members or enter a name in the search bar

Modify workspace moderators

ℹ️ Moderators are the users authorized to modify workspace settings, or to add or remove members.

If you are the workspace moderator, you can give this role to other members as well:

Delete a workspace member

Moderators can delete a member from the workspace:

Once you've made your changes, click Save.

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