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View checklists

View the checklists of your templates in mosaic or list format. Sort them according to the different modes available.

Chris Rohrbach avatar
Written by Chris Rohrbach
Updated over a week ago

View the checklists from a template

To view the onging checklists for a specific template, click on Browse organization (1) and then on Templates (2) in the drop-down menu to display all the templates to which you have access. Then select one of the templates (3).

Mosaic display

By default, the current checklists are viewed as a mosaic in the form of maps. Click on the button below to switch to the list view.

List view

In the list view, you can sort the templates of :

(1) By name (in alphabetical order)

(2) Depending on the number of tasks

(3) By percentage of completion

(4) By reference date

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