Duplicate a checklist template
The duplicate function is used to copy a checklist template to avoid having to set it up again.
Duplicate a checklist template
Only the moderators of the model can duplicate it.
It is possible to duplicate a checklist template. Duplicating allows you to create a new template and take over all the tasks and the contents of their detail panes. Completed tasks are also resumed.
To duplicate a template :
Go to the relevant template
Click on the button with the three vertical points
Click on Duplicate Model

A window will open allowing you to configure the duplication.
Name field
Choose the name of the duplicate (4)
Team Field
Select the team to which the duplicate will be linked (5)
Choose whether template members should be copied, two options (6):
On: the members are the same, so you want to copy them.
Off: the members are not the same, you will have to select them manually.
Choose whether template tasks should be copied, two options (7):
On: the tasks are the same, so you want to copy them.
Off: the tasks are not the same, you will have to create them manually.
Choose the options that will be included in the task details pane, 4 options (8) :
Take over the persons responsible for the tasks
Take the Watchers back from the tasks
Retrieve files attached to tasks
Take the values from the custom fields
Finally click on Duplicate (9)

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