Rule on topics
Rule on the topics to advance your agenda during a meeting.
Rule on a Topic
Ongoing meeting
During your meeting, rule on each Topic in order to progress in the agenda. When you rule on a Topic, the next one is automatically displayed on the screen to facilitate writing the meeting minutes.
For each Topic, you have 3 options:
Topic addressed ✅ |
For topics that have been addressed and do not require further information. |
Revisit the Topic ➡️ |
For the Topics discussed during the Ongoing meeting, but to be discussed again next time (or at a future meeting). |
Postpone Topic ️↪️ |
For topics that could not be addressed, but will need to be addressed at a future meeting. |
Here are the three options for ruling on a Topic:

Next meeting
By ruling on the topics, you facilitate the creation of the agenda for the next meeting.
Topics addressed in the previous meeting will not be included in the agenda of the next meeting
Topics you wish to revisit will automatically be included in the agenda of the next meeting (or the selected future date).
Topics that you wish to postpone will disappear from the Ongoing meeting agenda and will automatically be added to the selected meeting agenda.
Rule on all topics before locking the meeting minutes
Didn't rule on your topics during the meeting? WEDO invites you to do so before locking your meeting minutes.
Rule Topic by Topic using the buttons at the end of the line (arrow button ➡️ to Revisit this Topic at the next meeting or seen button ✅ to Mark this Topic as addressed).
Rule on all topics by selecting Address all or Revisit all.

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