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Gantt Activation

Learn how to activate the Gantt chart in your projects in a few simple and intuitive steps.

Yann Stehle
Written by Yann StehleLast update 6 days ago

Activating LABS

To get started, it is necessary to activate the Gantt chart feature in Labs:

  1. Open your settings, by clicking on your first name - last name - email address at the bottom of the main menu

  2. Under "My settings", activate the Gantt chart in the “Labs”

💡 Your modification in the beta version will always be available once the final version is deployed; so feel free to use it already for your projects.

Activating the Gantt tab in a workspace

  1. Go directly to the workspace dedicated to your project at the top center of the screen, you will find various tabs: meetings, tasks, files... If you are a moderator, click on the small + on the right of the tabs to open the drop-down menu

  2. Activate the toggle for the Gantt chart You will see a “Gantt” tab among the other tabs. By clicking on it, you can now view your project in Gantt form

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