Add your organization's document logo and header icon
You can add your company logo and header icon to the WEDO interface.
Only administrators are allowed to manage the network settings.
Add document logo
The document logo will appear in all documents exported from WEDO (to-do lists, meeting minutes, checklists, etc.). It will also appear on the login page of your WEDO network. We recommend a good-quality image with a transparent background.
To add a logo to your documents :
From your profile (1), go to Settings (2)
In the General menu (3), click on Choose Logo (4) in the Document logo section.
Add your logo to the folders on your computer.
⚠️ The maximum file size is 5 MB and the minimum resolution is 200x80 pixels.

Add header icon
This header icon will be used in the application header (top left of your organization's name). We recommend an image with a transparent background and an aspect ratio of 1:1 (square).
To add a header icon :
From your profile (1), go to Settings (2)
In the General menu (3), click on Choose icon (4) in the Header icon section.
Add your header icon to the folders on your computer.
⚠️ Maximum file size is 5 MB and minimum resolution is 100x100 pixels.

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