Setting up email notifications
It is possible to set the following notifications: email notification, periodic report and desktop notifications.
Setting up email notifications
From your profile, click on Settings
Under MY SETTINGS, click on Notifications

WEDO regularly sends you two types of email:
A summary of your new notifications*
A report with your open tasks
You can choose the days and times you wish to receive emails from WEDO.
Info: If you do not wish to receive emails from WEDO, uncheck the days and times you wish to receive them.
Email Notifications
Click on the days on which you wish to receive the summary of your notifications. It is possible to choose one or more days.

Click on the times at which you would like to receive a summary of your notifications. It is possible to choose one or more hours.

*A notification is generated when an action that concerns you occurs in WEDO. Find out which actions generate notifications.
🔔 How are you notified? A few details...
If you are connected to WEDO, a notification appears in the application and if you have activated desktop notifications, you are even notified via Windows notifications.
As long as you have not read a notification (either click on the bell, then click on the notification), it remains active. If you have enabled email notifications and the time period is current, you will be notified via email.
If you clicked a notification before the period set in your settings, no notification is sent. WEDO considers that you have taken the information into account.
WEDO has an intelligent merge system to limit the number of notifications (merging notifications related to the same action, updating notifications according to their relevance and deleting notifications in case of false manipulation).
Periodic reporting by email
The periodic report includes your planned tasks. By default, each user receives a periodic report by email every Monday morning. You can choose the frequency of reception of this report, three options :
Weekly: you will receive the periodic report every Monday morning.
Daily: you will receive the periodic report on the selected day(s) - same days and times as for email notifications.
Don't want to receive a periodic report? Select the "never" option.

Desktop notification
It is possible to enable desktop notifications. This way, you will receive notifications from WEDO directly on your screen instantly.
To enable desktop notifications :
Click Enable Desktop Notifications.
Allow your browser to enable notifications

Test the desktop notifications by clicking the appropriate button (3).

Info: Desktop notifications can be disabled via your browser settings, below is an example from Chrome.
Click on the button with the three vertical points (1) and then on Settings (2)

Advanced settings (3)

Site settings (4)

Notifications (5)

Locate the address of the WEDO network (6) then click on the button with the three vertical points (7)

Click on Delete (8)

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