User profile
It is possible to edit your profile information.
Set up your profile
To set up your profile, go to your settings (1-2) and click on Profile (3) under MY SETTINGS.

You can then set up your personal information:
Choose a profile picture for your WEDO account.
Select your display name - e.g. your first name and surname.
Choose a background color for your initials. The initials can be changed if you change your surname, for example. If you have not linked a photo to your profile, your initials will be displayed instead of the photo.
The first name and surname are taken from the data you entered when you activated your account. You can change them here if necessary.
Enter your title/function within the organization.
Enter the telephone number where you can be reached.
Add the department in which you work.
Add the name of your organization.
Add your location.
Select the language you want to work with in WEDO.
Available languages: English (UK), English (USA), French (France), French (Switzerland), German (Germany), German (Switzerland).
Click on Save to save the changes (11)

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