Share tasks in a workspaces
It is possible to share tasks in one or more workspaces.
Share a task in a workspaces
When a task is created from the Personal Space, it can be shared in a Workspace through an option in the Details pane. This will make the task accessible to all members of that workspace.
Click on the task to share, the details pane opens on the right side of the screen.
Click on the Share in a workspace field.
Choose the space in which the task is to be shared by clicking on one of the proposals or by entering the name of the space in question.

Once the space has been selected, it is possible to add other spaces in which the task must also be shared. Note that the task will be visible in the different workspaces but will not be duplicated. Thus, if the task is completed in one workspace it will be automatically completed in the others. To add a space in which the task must also be shared :
Click on the + button
Choose the space in which the task should also be shared by clicking on one of the proposals or by entering the name of the space in question.

It is possible to delete a selected space by clicking on the trash can icon attached to the label of the space in question.
Tip for efficiently sharing a series of tasks in different workspaces
A tool allows you to quickly share a series of tasks.
To share tasks in different workspaces :
Go to the Personal Space
Tasks Tab
Click on the magic wand icon
A window opens, click on Share
A window opens, select the workspaces in which the task is to be shared.
Click on Next to scroll through the tasks in the list and share them in different spaces.

Share tasks from one workspaces to another workspaces
To share tasks in different workspaces :
Go to the workspaces in question
Tasks Tab
Click on the magic wand icon
A window opens, click on Share
A window opens, select the workspaces in which the task is to be shared
Click on Next to scroll through the tasks in the list and share them in different spaces

The magic wand icon appears at the end of each task heading:
In the personal space after each time section (today, tomorrow, later, someday).
In the workspaces after each time section (today, tomorrow, later, someday) or after each personalized section.
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