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The detail pane of a task

The details pane gives all the information about a task.

Written by MathildeLast update 29 days ago

The details pane

The details pane opens on the right side of the screen when you click on a task. Each task has its own detail pane.

Share the task in a workspace

Task name

The first field in the details pane allows you to change the name of the task. Click the field and enter the changes, which are saved automatically.

Task name

Share task in a Workspace

The second field in the details panel shows to which workspace(s) the task is affiliated. To share the task with another workspace, click on the + and select the workspace in question.

share the task across multiple workspaces

share the task across multiple workspaces

Delegate to

The second field in the details pane lists the person responsible for the task. To delegate the task, click on the field and choose another person in charge.

Delegate the task

Prioritize the task

The fourth field is used to prioritize tasks, using the integrated Eisenhower matrix to define what is most important and urgent.

Prioritize the task using the Eisenhower matrix

Set start date

The fifth field in the details panel shows when the task will start. To change the start date, click on the field and enter a new date.

Set task start date

Set due date or recurrence

The sixth field in the details panel specifies whether the task includes :

A due date

Set a due date for the task

A recurrence

Define task recurrence

Add a description

The seventh field in the details panel lets you add a description to the task. To enter a description, click on the field and type or paste the text. The button linked to this field on the right enlarges the input space, making it easier to write long descriptions.

Add a description to the task

Attach a file

The eighth field in the details pane allows you to attach a file to the task. To add a file, click on the field and select the file.

Attach one or more files to the task

Add a sub-task

The ninth field in the details panel lets you add one or more subtasks to the task. To add a subtask, click on the field and enter the text. Use the Enter ⏎ key on your keyboard to create a subtask directly after the one you've entered.

Add subtasks to the task, to segment the steps

Once the sub-tasks have been entered, you can check off those that have been completed, as shown in the example below.

Add a Watchers

The tenth field in the details panel is used to manage the task's watchers. A task cannot have several managers. However, it is possible to add observers to the task, so that they are notified of every action concerning it.

Watchers are notified when :

  • The task is completed

  • The task is restarted

  • The task is deleted

  • The task is restored

  • The task is commented

  • The task has a new due date

  • The task has a new responsible

A user becomes a default watcher if :

  • He creates the task

  • He comments on the task

  • He delegates the task

  • A task is assigned to it

The user can add and remove himself as a watcher of the tasks to which he has access via a workspace. He can also remove the people he added as watcher. However, it is impossible to remove a watcher added by another user.

To add a watcher, click on the field and select another user.

Add a watcher to a task, to enhance its collaborative aspect

Comment the task

The eleventh field in the details panel lets you communicate about the task. For example, you can :

  • Ask a question about the task;

  • Bring additional information about the task;

  • Follow up on the task; etc.

To comment the task, click on the field, enter your comment and click on Publish or Enter↵ to validate it.

Once the comment has been entered, it is possible to modify it by clicking on the pencil icon or to delete it by clicking on the trash can icon.

Comment on the task in order to ask a question, provide additional information or follow up on the task.

Task history

The twelfth and final field allows you to consult the history of the task. From its creation to the present day, it traces all activities and changes, ensuring total traceability.

Access task history

The task history ensures full traceability of activities and changes carried out on the task.

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