Administrator, Moderator and Editor: What are the differences?
In this article, we detail the differences in rights between Administrators, Moderators, and Editors, as well as the dependencies between each of them.
In WEDO, there is a distinction to be made between the Administrator, Moderator, and Editor roles.
The Administrator is in charge of managing the network (creation, modification, deletion of user accounts, billing, etc.). Moderators are the people authorized to manage the settings of a workspace, a checklist template or even a team. Finally, Editors are the people authorized to manage the settings of a meeting.
By default, the person who creates the workspace, model, or team becomes a Workspace Moderator. The person can then define other Moderators for the space, model, or team in question. The same goes for Editors and creating a meeting.
Finally, when a Network Administrator is added among the members of a workspace, he automatically becomes a Moderator.
As a result, being an Administrator does not necessarily give you access to all the models, workspaces, or meetings in your network. However, you can join any team from the network settings.
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