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User management

Network administrators can manage the Invitations that allow users to access the platform.

Written by MathildeLast update 21 days ago

User management

Only administrators are authorized to manage network users.

To manage network users :

  1. From your profile, click Settings

  2. Under Network settings, click Users

Users are divided into three categories Active - Invited - Not invited

You can access it by clicking on the different filters.

Active users

By default, you are in the category viewing all active users. The total number of users is viewed at the top right of the screen. The search bar makes it easy to find a user.

Under the column 2FA, the red light means that the user has not enabled two-factor authentication to log in. The green light indicates that two-factor authentication is active for the account in question.

From the button with the three vertical points, you can :

Invited users

By clicking on the Invited button, you will find users who have been invited to join the network but have not yet logged in. Under the Invitation column you can see the status of the request.

From the button with the three vertical points you can :

Not invited users

By clicking on the Not invited button, you will find users who have been created but have not yet been invited to join the network.

Info: when setting up the tool, this option allows you to organize and feed the network before giving access to users. Thus, when collaborators log on for the first time, they will be able to directly access the tasks, workspaces and templates of checklists that concern them.

It is possible to invite a user by clicking on Send Invitation. All users can also be invited at once > Invite all button.

From the button with the three vertical points you can :

Deactivated users

When you delete a user, he or she will be deactivated for a period of 30 days, during which you will have the opportunity to reactivate him or her. After this period, the deactivated User will be permanently deleted.

Click on the three vertical items to:

  • Restore the user

  • Permanently delete the User (without waiting 30 days)

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