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Task display

There are two ways to view a series of tasks: list view and kanban view.

Chris Rohrbach avatar
Written by Chris Rohrbach
Updated over a week ago

Sorting tasks

You can select a sort mode for your task lists. Each task list can be sorted according to 6 criteria:

By date

The tasks will be divided into the 4 time sections proposed by WEDO and classified according to their planned date:

  • Today: all the tasks planned for today

  • Tomorrow: all tasks planned for tomorrow

  • Later: all the tasks planned for beyond tomorrow

  • Someday: all tasks that do not have a planned date

By planned date

Sorting is done according to the planned date of the tasks.

By due date

Sorting is done according to the due date of the tasks.

Per user

Sorting is done according to the person responsible for the tasks.

By workspaces

Sorting is done according to the different workspaces.

By priority

Sorting is done according to the priorities assigned to the tasks: Important and urgent / Important and non-urgent / Not important and urgent / Not important and not urgent

By customized sections

Sorting is done according to the customized sections of a workspaces.

This sorting mode requires the prior creation of custom sections in the workspaces. To create custom sections in a workspaces, please refer to the following article Workspace settings (paragraph Custom sections)

By custom fields

Sorting is done according to the custom fields of a workspaces.

This sorting mode requires the prior creation of custom fields in the network settings. Only administrators are authorized to create them.

Switch from list view to kanban view

In each task list, there is a button to switch from the list view to the kanban view and vice versa.

The display of the tasks in the list is the default. Depending on the sorting mode chosen, sections are automatically created as shown above on the images explaining the sorting of tasks.

With the Kanban view display, the sections are automatically transformed into columns and the tasks appear as cards that can be moved from one column to another.

To move a card from one column to another, click on it and drag it to the desired location without releasing the mouse. Moving a card from one column to another changes its properties. For example: by sorting the tasks by users with the Kanban view display, it is possible to assign tasks to different users by moving them to the appropriate person's column. The same goes for sorting by date, due date, custom section and property.

The Kanban view thus allows you to manage projects visually to ensure efficient follow-up.

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