Go to WEDO

The users page

One page groups all the users of the WEDO network in your company.

Written by MathildeLast update 1 month ago

Go to the users page

To access the users page, click on the shortcut at the bottom of the main menu.

Types of users

By default, all active users on your network are viewed in alphabetical order. Each user is represented by a map. There are buttons to filter users according to the type of account:

Administrators / Users / External

User cards

If you click on one of the users (1), you access the tasks for which they are responsible (2). Only the following tasks are accessible :

  • The tasks of the workspaces you also belong to

  • The tasks you are watchers of

  • The tasks of the checklists you are also part of

Important information: you do not have access to tasks in the personal areas of network users under any circumstances. Only shared tasks are visible.

Email addresses

On each user's card two email addresses are communicated: the first is the email address linked to the WEDO account (3), the second is the address to create a task by sending an email (4). The task created by sending an email will be integrated into WEDO and directly delegated to the right person - depending on the destination address chosen.

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