The users page
One page groups all the users of the WEDO network in your company.
Go to the users page
To access the user page, click on Browse the organization (1), then on Users (2) in the drop-down menu.
Types of users
By default, all active users on your network are viewed in alphabetical order. Each user is represented by a map. There are buttons to filter users according to the type of account:
Administrators / Users / External
User cards
If you click on one of the users (1), you will access their profile. By browsing through the different tabs you will be able to consult:
The tasks for which they are responsible and which are shared in workspaces to which you also belong, of which you are a watcher or which belong to checklists to which you also belong.
His feed, where the activities, notes and comments that the user has left in the Teams, Workspaces and Checklists that you are also part of are listed.
The user's roles and the circles to which they belong (provided that the Governance Center extension is activated on your network).
The badges that the user has earned during their use of WEDO.
Important information: under no circumstances do you have access to the tasks in the personal spaces of users on the network. Only shared tasks are visible.
Email addresses
On each user's card you will find the function and the email address linked to the user's WEDO account (1). By clicking on the three vertical items you can access the address allowing you to create a task by sending an email (2). The task created by sending an email will be integrated into WEDO and directly delegated to the right person - depending on the destination address chosen.
As Administrator of the network, you will also be able to Edit the user (3), Send a password reset (4) and Delete the user (5).
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