Archive / Unarchive a checklist
It is possible to archive a checklist and cancel this action if necessary.
Archive a checklist
Archiving disables the creation of tasks in a checklist and thus makes it possible, for example, to close the checklist without deleting the tasks related to it.
Go to the template of the checklist and locate the checklist in question.
Click on the button with the three vertical points
Click on Archive
A window opens, click on Archive to confirm

Unarchive a checklist
A feature allows you to unarchive an archived checklist.
Go to the template of the checklist in question
Click on Status and in the drop-down menu on the right side of the screen, click on Archived
Find the checklist to unarchive, click on the button with the three vertical points
Click on Unarchive
A window opens, click on Unarchive to confirm

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