Go to WEDO

How do I create a WEDO shortcut?

Find out how to create a shortcut for quick access to WEDO from your smartphone, tablet, Mac or PC.

Chris Rohrbach
Written by Chris RohrbachLast update 23 days ago

As WEDO is a web application, you can create a shortcut via the web browser you're using on your device to access it quickly.

Smartphone shortcut

To create a shortcut to WEDO on iPhone

  1. Open the Safari application

  2. Go to your WEDO network or (1)

  3. Touch the Sharing icon (2)

  4. Select On home screen (3)

  5. Change the shortcut name if you wish, then press Add (4)

shortcut on iphone

To create a shortcut to WEDO on Android

  1. Open the web browser

  2. Go to your WEDO network or

  3. Click on the 3 items at the top right of the screen

  4. Select Add to home screen

  5. Change the name of the shortcut if you wish, then press Add (4)

shortcut on android

Computer shortcut

To create a shortcut to WEDO from your PC / Mac

  1. Open your web browser (chrome / firefox / edge / safari)

  2. Go to your WEDO network or

  3. Make sure the browser window is not full-screen, so that your Desktop folder or File Explorer/Finder is visible

  4. Position the mouse cursor over the Site Information button on the left of the address bar, or select the text of your url directly

  5. Hold down the left mouse button as you drag the site link to the desktop or destination folder

  6. The shortcut is created when you release the mouse button.

web shortcut on computer

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