Share files in a workspace
You can share a file attached to a task or meeting in the Files tab of the workspace.
To share a file attached to a task with the Files tab of the workspace:
Click on the task
Click on the ⋮ button
Click Share [Source Space Name]

Once the file is shared, you can access its location in the workspace with one click:
Click on the ⋮ button
Click on Open file location
💡 In the file details panel, from the space, you will find the link to the task the file is attached to.

ℹ️ Info:
Files shared with the space are preceded by a colored bullet.
The procedure is the same if you want to share a file attached to a meeting in the Files tab of the workspace.
By sharing a file with the workspace, you allow all members to access it easily.
A file added to the workspace can then be attached to different tasks and/or meetings.
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