The WEDO platform is equipped with a notification system to keep you informed of any changes that concern you.
What is a notification?
WEDO includes a notification system. Notifications automatically inform you of changes to workspaces, checklist templates and tasks.
The bell at the bottom left of the screen represents the notification area. Clicking on it (1) takes you to all the notifications that concern you (2).

For more information on how to set up notifications, please see the following article: Notification settings.
Actions that generate notifications in WEDO
Actions concerning tasks
Task observers are notified when :
The task is completed
The Ongoing task is resumed
The task is deleted
The task is restored
The task is commented on
The tasks due date is changed
The tasks assignee is changed
Actions concerning workspaces
All workspace members are notified when :
A member is added to a workspace
A global note is published in the workspace
An overall rating is updated in the workspace
Workspace moderators are notified when :
A member is removed from the workspace
A member is promoted as a workspace moderator
A member is deprived of moderator rights
Actions concerning checklist templates and checklists
All template members are notified when :
A member is added to a checklist template
A note is published in the checklist template
A note is updated in the checklists template
A member launches a checklist from the template
Checklist template moderators are notified when :
A member is deleted from the checklist template
A member is promoted as a checklist template moderator
A member is stripped of moderator rights
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