Modify the list of attendees
Learn how to add and remove attendees to your meeting.
Add an attendee
To add a attendee click on + Add Attendee and then select the user to add. Choose if you want to add the attendee only to this meeting or to this meeting and the following ones. Then click on Confirm.

Remove an attendee
To remove a attendee, click the ā® button and then click Remove. Choose whether you want to remove the attendee only from this meeting or from this and subsequent meetings. Then click Confirm.

Add a user
Sometimes, there are users who need to have rights to the meeting in order to edit it, but they don't necessarily have to be among the meeting attendees since they won't be physically present at the meeting.
To add a user and choose their role, click on the Access and Signature button š then click on Add User. Then select the user and choose their role. Finally, choose whether you want to add the user only to this meeting, to this meeting and subsequent meetings, or to all meetings. Then click on Confirm.

ā ļø If the user does not physically participate in the meeting, you can uncheck the option :

Mention a participant in the list
For people who do not have a WEDO account, you can simply mention them in the list of participants. To add a line, click + Add Participant then enter their name under Add Line and finally click the button ā

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