Import tasks linked to the meeting
Import tasks already linked with your meeting to be included in other topics.
Import tasks already linked with your meeting to be included in other topics.
Find out how to move a task to another Topic.
Drag and drop blocks to organize your meeting content in a few clicks.
Add content to your meeting with the block system.
Learn about the different types of blocks you can add to your meeting.
Import tasks from your workspaces into a meeting.
Find out how to format text blocks for your meetings.
Duplicate a block in a meeting Topic.
Highlight the decisions made at the meeting.
Delete a block in a meeting Topic.
Instantly create and delegate tasks related to your meeting.
Convert a block to another type of block.
Attach a file related to a meeting Topic.
Discover the different ways to add content to a meeting.
Add an image to your meeting content.
Add private notes to your meeting with the Note Block.
Add text to your meeting using the Paragraph block.
Optimize your time and don't miss any agenda items by turning your emails into topics