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Settings ⚙️
Find out how to manage your personal and network settings.
User profileIt is possible to edit your profile information.
Modify your main email addressYou can change the primary email address linked to your account.
Change your passwordYou can change your account password in just a few clicks.
Add an email address linked to your accountIt is possible to associate multiple email addresses to your WEDO account.
Enable two-factor authenticationWEDO integrates two-factor authentication, an additional solution to protect access to your data.
Problems encountered with two-factor authenticationRecover access to your WEDO account in case of problems with two-factor authentication.
Disable two-factor authenticationIt is possible to disable two-factor authentication with a few clicks.
Setting up email notificationsIt is possible to set the following notifications: email notification, periodic report and desktop notifications.
Calendar synchronizationSynchronize WEDO with your personal calendar to keep track of your tasks and meetings.
Email to taskIt is possible to convert emails to tasks in order to clear your inbox and get organized at the same time.
Add your organization's document logo and header iconYou can add your company logo and header icon to the WEDO interface.
Choose an icon for your networkAdd an icon to personalize your network according to your organization's identity.
Authorize an email addressAdd an e-mail address to your account or network, to authorize it to create tasks using the "e-mail as task" function.
Custom fieldsAdd custom fields in the Task Details panel to refine and structure the information.
Modify your subscriptionYou want to add a user but have reached the maximum number of licenses? Modify your subscription in a few clicks!
Modify billing addressYou can modify the billing address via your network settings.
Change payment methodWould you like to pay for your subscription by credit card rather than by payment slip? It's possible!